Economics Socium Environment


The modern vector of socio-ecological and economic development has led to the transformation of economic, environmental, demographic, energy, food, information problems from purely national or regional to global. This was the reason for forming a universal approach and their solution as a roadmap for achieving the common interests of all segments of the population and states to preserve civilization. At present, all environmental issues are considered not only as derivatives of economic development but also as significant unforeseen risks for various countries, industries and enterprises dependent on natural resources. To prevent a critical situation, the world community has entered into a dialogue in the framework of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
Sustainable development places new demands on the economics of nature management and environmental security. In the context of globalization and internationalization of environmental problems are becoming a dominant factor in global security. Accordingly, the leading areas of research of the authors of this issue of the scientific journal are the protection of their sphere of income of individual subjects of nature management to obtain maximum benefit, ignoring environmental norms, laws and standards; the growing tendency of ecological selfishness, according to which the protection of the environment is carried out by individual entities only within the framework of their type of activity, within certain territorial and temporal boundaries; enunciativeness, insufficient reform and modernization of environmental institutions, lack of coordination and responsibility between environmental authorities at all levels.
In the future, the scarcity of available and high-quality natural resources will lead to contradictions and conflicts that will hinder Ukraine's socio-economic growth. Today, they can be defined as confrontations related to the divergence of interests of the parties and their struggle for ownership, use of resources and services of the environment, or control over them. Based on these considerations, we are convinced of the probability of forming modern approaches to increasing the socio-economic potential of sustainable development of Ukraine and its regions, which will create a solid foundation for modernization and greening of most industries, real decentralization and accelerated implementation of high living standards.

Mykhaylo Khvesyk,
Chief Editor of journal «Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development»